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A Vision Of Empowered Motherhood

In honor of motherhood, some creative and empowering ways women can structure their family life to ensure everyone gets the time and care they need to thrive, including the mother herself. You should start empowered Moms just by giving support as a family member.

The Empowered Mom

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Modern mothers face many challenges as they try to keep themselves and their families healthy, safe, and happy. Finding time to prioritize your own mental and physical health is a common problem for many moms who struggle to make room for their physical activity, leisure, and self-care.

Common reasons for not being able to make time for yourself are fatigue and overwhelm, commitment to multiple roles, and a lack of social support and care for children. These limitations can be especially discouraging for mothers of young children, who consistently spend the least amount of time with themselves.

The growing popularity of "intensive parenting" is another factor that can make it difficult for mothers to prioritize time for themselves. Research shows that the challenges of maintaining this parenting style can have an impact on women's mental health, leaving them feeling drained, tired, and more prone to depression.

Creative and empowering free time

Mothers who are able to make physical activity and leisure time a regular part of their lives do so for reasons as diverse and unique as their own. Some of the most popular motivations include pleasure, indulgence, escape challenge, fitness, and increased well-being and peace of mind. Many women also want to feel physically stronger and more capable in their bodies.