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About Industrial Carbon Capture Technology

Industrial Carbon capture and storage is the technology of capturing the CO2 directly from industries like power plants and refineries. It involves trapping the CO2 at its emission source, transporting it to a storage location and isolating it.

According to the NRG, the project aims to capture about 90 percent of the carbon dioxide from the 240 megawatts of flue gas and use or sequester 1.6 million tons of the greenhouse gas each year. To get more knowledge about industrial carbon capture you can check out various websites.

This technology captures CO2 directly from the air and uses renewable energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Carbon engineering technology is based on a 100 year old industrial process consisting of well known and existing technology that integrates an air contactor and a regeneration cycle to continuously capture atmospheric carbon dioxide and produce pure carbon dioxide.    

These include using CO 2 in concrete or plastics or converting it into biomass, for example by feeding CO 2 to algae, which is then collected and converted into biofuels for transport. The most common use of CO 2 is enhanced oil recovery (EOR), where CO 2 is injected into oil and gas fields to enhance their recovery.

In power plants, steel mills and cement plants, carbon capture technology can capture CO2 and pipe it to carbon reservoirs, where it is permanently stored underground in depleted oil and gas wells or deep brine aquifers, away from the atmosphere above.