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All About Vitiligo Treatment

Vitiligo refers to a skin condition that causes white patches. Vitiligo is a long-lasting and difficult disease. Patients have many options for treatment. 

Let's take a look at the various treatments for vitiligo that are available today:

Melanin is the pigment that is responsible for our skin color. In Vitiligo, the skin cells that produce this pigment either die or are unable to secrete this melanin. You can find the best vitiligo treatment online.

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Factors like heredity, exposure to chemicals, stress, sunburn, and one's own immunity attacking and destroying the skin cells are thought to be responsible.

What are the Conventional Medicines for Vitiligo Treatment?

Corticosteroid creams and creams having drugs called tacrolimus or pimecrolimus aim to suppress immunity. Thus it intends to prevent immunity from attacking one's own skin cells.

Light therapy involves the application of UV rays on the skin, sometimes in combination with medications to enhance light sensitivity.

What does Homoeopathy offer for Vitiligo treatment?

Homeopathic treatment for vitiligo considers the fact that Vitiligo tends to progress as a disease. Thus, taking care of a single patch and doing nothing for the underlying immunity will not do any good to control the appearance of a new patch elsewhere. 

Hence, Homoeopathy tries to correct the immunity and thus stimulates the body's skin cells to produce the pigment melanin naturally.

Homeopathic treatment of Vitiligo also attempts to heal by correcting the after-effects of triggering factors like stress, chemical exposure, and hormonal imbalance of the thyroid gland.