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Checklist For Selecting A Home Care Agency

After deciding home care is the right choice for you or a loved one, the next decision is which home care professional to choose from. Phone books or internet searches reveal dozens or hundreds of options, so how do you narrow the field to find the best caregiver?

Independent Contractor or Home Care Agency

One quick way to reduce the list of choices is to decide between hiring a home care agency and hiring a person to provide care. You can find the best home care agencies in washington.

Home care agencies

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On the surface, a personal caregiver may look attractive. They are often less expensive than home health agencies and help families already struggling with high medical bills. However, the cost of an independent caregiver does not include all costs associated with care. 

A home health agency handles the above situations, leaving the family free to care for the loved one. Agencies may provide backup carers in the event additional care is required or the primary carer is ill or on leave.

Professional Qualifications

Whether you are looking for services as straightforward as home nursing or as companionship. The caregiver must have the proper training and licensing to ensure that your loved one. And receives the necessary services and is protected in an emergency. 

Ask about what training and experience the caregiver and home care agency have. Confirm the agency performs thorough background checks on their employees.