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Electronic Access Control Systems – The Key to Crime Prevention

Nearly every home and office is secured with a key. Most people have key chains that help them monitor these important symbols of modern society. Home keys, office keys, garage keys and car keys usually ring in most people's pockets or purses.

Even though locking mechanisms contain many modern security features, they are still vulnerable to loss, theft or copying.

If you have experienced one of these problems before, an electronic access control system can be the "key".  You can get commercial access control systems at Ryalex Security Pty Ltd.

The electronic access control system offers you an effective solution to the key management nightmare and at the same time offer a very powerful tool for your entire security management plan.

Get the key back! A properly implemented electronic access control system can secure your facilities and prevent crime by restricting access to authorized personnel and separating the public from the private area.

The capabilities of electronic access control systems vary greatly. From the standalone one-door system that you program with keyboards, to medium-sized computer systems to first-class business systems that can communicate control over thousands of card readers across continents.

Electronic access control systems have one thing in common. Each allows you to control who goes where and when at your facility by providing a unique card reader ID or PIN block. They can be arranged so that you get a record of who entered your building.