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From Oil to Chemicals: Exploring the Versatility of Above Ground Storage Tanks

Above ground storage tanks have long been a crucial component of the oil and gas industry. However, their versatility extends far beyond just storing oil. These tanks are also used in the storage of various chemicals, showcasing their adaptability across different industries. In this article, we will delve into the world of above ground storage tank design, exploring their uses in storing both oil and chemicals, as well as the key considerations that come with their maintenance and operation.

The Role of Above Ground Storage Tanks in Storing Oil

Above ground storage tanks play a vital role in the oil industry, offering a safe and efficient way to store large quantities of oil. These tanks are commonly used in refineries, terminals, and distribution centers. Here are some key points to consider:

Types of Oil Stored in Above Ground Storage Tanks

  • Crude oil
  • Refined products such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel
  • Lubricants and other specialty oils

Benefits of Above Ground Storage Tanks for Oil Storage

  • Cost-effective compared to underground storage tanks
  • Easy to install, inspect, and maintain
  • Flexible in terms of capacity and configuration
  • Can be relocated if needed

Exploring the Use of Above Ground Storage Tanks for Chemicals

In addition to storing oil, above ground storage tanks are also widely used in the chemical industry. These tanks are designed to safely store various types of chemicals, ranging from industrial solvents to hazardous substances. Here are some key points to consider:

Types of Chemicals Stored in Above Ground Storage Tanks

  • Acids and bases
  • Flammable liquids
  • Toxic substances
  • Corrosive materials

Considerations for Storing Chemicals in Above Ground Storage Tanks

  • Compliance with regulatory requirements for chemical storage
  • Proper tank material selection to prevent corrosion or contamination
  • Regular inspection and maintenance to ensure tank integrity
  • Implementation of safety measures to prevent leaks or spills

Key Considerations for Maintaining Above Ground Storage Tanks

Whether storing oil or chemicals, proper maintenance of above ground storage tanks is essential to ensure their longevity and safe operation. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

Inspection and Testing

  • Regular visual inspections for signs of corrosion or damage
  • NDE (Non-Destructive Examination) techniques to assess tank integrity
  • Hydrostatic testing to check for leaks and structural soundness

Corrosion Protection

  • Applying protective coatings to prevent corrosion
  • Cathodic protection systems for underground portions of the tank
  • Monitoring for corrosion and taking corrective actions promptly

Spill Prevention and Response

  • Implementing secondary containment systems
  • Training personnel on spill response procedures
  • Regular drills and exercises to test spill response readiness


Above ground storage tanks offer a versatile solution for storing both oil and chemicals safely and efficiently. Their adaptability across different industries makes them a valuable asset for companies looking to store large quantities of liquids. By understanding the unique considerations that come with storing oil and chemicals in these tanks, companies can ensure compliance with regulations and maintain the integrity of their storage systems.