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Reasons You Should Install A Swimming Pool Cover

Swimming pools are a popular amenity for home buyers, but with the recent increase in severe weather events, a lot of people are starting to wonder if it is even worth it. Covering your swimming pool is one of the best ways to protect it from the sun and weather

A pool cover will keep the pool cool, windy, and shady. It also protects the surface of the pool from scratches and blemishes. If you live in a hot climate, a pool cover can also help keep your pool cooler in the summertime. Make sure to get a cover that is designed for your specific swimming pool size and type.

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Here are the reasons you should install a swimming pool cover:

1. Pool covers keep the pool clean. Dirt, leaves, and other debris can get into the pool through the skimmer and filter. A swimming pool cover will keep all of this debris from entering the pool. 

2. Pool covers keep the pool warm. In cold climates, a pool cover can help to keep the pool warm by trapping heat inside the cover.

3. Pool covers protect your furniture. If it rains or snows outside, your furniture may get wet. A swimming cover will protect your furniture from water and snow.

4. Pool covers protect your decking and railing. If there is any leakage from the skimmer or filter, a swimming cover will catch it before it gets onto the decking or railing.

5. Pool covers protect your tile flooring. If there is any leakage from the skimmer or filter, a swimming cover will catch it before it gets onto the tile flooring.

6. Pool covers protect your landscape plants.