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What is Exposed Aggregate Concrete?

Exposure aggregate concrete is a type of concrete that is exposed to the elements. This means that the aggregate, or small rocks and stones, are visible. This type of concrete is often used in driveways because it is easy to work with and durable.

The exposed aggregate concrete from can improve your driveway by making it easier to clean. It also makes the driveway more attractive, since the aggregate is visible.

This type of concrete has no problem with the weather, which means that you can make the concrete a permanent fixture in your driveway. How to make exposed aggregate concrete? 

Freezing and shattering the concrete

Freezing and smashing it again the first step is mixing the cement. The second is freezing and shattering. Then, you freeze and smash it again. This is a very simple process that anyone can do. However, it only works if the material is frozen solid when crushed or broken.

If this doesn't happen, you will have to start over from scratch, since all of the pieces will break up in one big mess when they are smashed together.

1 This is a step that must be taken care of carefully. You will have to know how much pressure and weight to apply if it's going to work. You also need to be sure that the material is completely frozen before you crush it.

2 If you don't use enough force, you won't get any concrete. This makes it very important to know exactly how much pressure and weight is required for this step. Working with concrete requires some experience, or else you could make an expensive mistake.

-Use the following formula: You will want the material to be as hard as possible when it's frozen so that all of the pieces will break up into one big mess when they are smashed together.