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Career Development Planning: Keys to Career Success

Career development planning is the key to advancement and is a measure of tracking the progress of your career. Also, it is a dependable method to study your overall personal goals and the steps taken as your accomplishments move you toward the right career.

Keys to a well-thought-out career development plan: The plan is a work in progress. As you move up one step there is another in front of you. You build in flexibility, one door may close but with continued career-related research another soon opens. Your career development plan is not focused exclusively on your work but on your career, its direction, and your interests and passion.

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As your career plan evolves so does your resume. Keep it updated through a file in which you keep a record of achievements, training, projects completed, new skills, promotions, performance reviews, and positive letters and memos.

Begin keeping a file on job announcements in your career and any career in which you have an interest. Even if employed this is a good tip as you can identify where new qualifications are required allowing you to get the additional training and experience.

In the course of writing out your career development plan spend some time on exactly what your overall job objectives are.