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What Are The Options On Cervical Cancer Treatment In Kenya?

The cervix is the below, narrow end of the uterus that leads into the birth canal. Like many other organs of the body, the cervix can expand cancer. Cervical cancer normally develops very slowly over time.

Dysphasia occurs before cervical cancer occurs. In dysphasia, cervical cells undergo changes and cells that usually do not appear in cervical tissue. You can also look for the best cervical cancer treatment in Kenya via an online source.

cervical cancer treatment

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When this occurs, cancer begins to spread around the cervix and beyond. Since the cervix is an essential organ in a woman's body, we need to know what treatment options are available for cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is often treated with a hysterectomy, which involves the surgical removal of all of the uterus. If cervical cancer has progressed, lymph nodes may need to be removed.

However, because many patients wish to remain fertile, other gentler cervical cancer treatment methods should be considered. One such gentle treatment is the serial electrosurgery excision procedure or LEEP.

LEEP has many advantages including low cost, high success rate, ease of use, and often only use of local anesthetics. Another surgical procedure is a cone biopsy.

With a cone biopsy, only a cone-shaped sample is taken from the mucous membrane. Radiation therapy is used as external pelvic radiation therapy and internally as brachytherapy.