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Search Engine Marketing – Doing SEO & SEM Right Does Matter

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is not the same as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and that's a fact! I really welcome the opportunity of showing a large variance and the main distinguishing characteristics of SEM or search engine marketing for you in this article. SEO is mainly focused on how to interact with your website with the major search engines on the recognition or angle views.

Here are a few SEO hot points that must be addressed:
* Title
* The meta description
* Page Layout & Load Speed
* Keyword Selection & Density
* Internal Linking Structure
* Inbound & Outbound Links
* Readable & Contents Page Display Format
* Sitemap & Analytics Installation
It's about having engines major recognize your website as the most valuable sites. Thus, promoted by the "Page One" location in the query results page when someone is looking for your business, service or product! When SEO and SEM are combined and treated with care it is priceless. There are many variables, the path, and the components that make-page one ranking reality.
Some of them are:
* Continuous Fresh Original Content Generation
* Massive Content Dissemination All Over the Internet
* Blog Posts
* Social Bookmarking
* Video Creation
* Press Releases for Both Paid and Free Media Access
* Mobile Apps, Advertising & Writing Articles
* Local Directory Submissions & Offline Advertising
* Pay Per Click Advertising

It all starts with a sound basic SEO that will make the transition to the Search Engine Marketing – SEM area of your website promotion campaign is very smooth and eventually beneficial.