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Is an Automatic Pool Cover Worth the Added Expense?

Automatic pool blankets offer exceptional benefits of cost savings. When closed over the swimming pool an automatic pool cover will save you on chemicals, water loss from evaporation, and energy costs by not having to constantly reheat the pool. When you add to this until you actually have a product that can pay for itself in 2-3 years.

An automatic swimming pool cover makes your pool clean and saves a lot of time cleaning needs.  If you're looking for automatic electric pool covers, you can browse various online sources.

There is no better feeling than to enable the switch and have your lid open and clear sparkling water swimming pool invites you to come and get fresh. No leaves, branches or other debris to clean up first. So go ahead and jump right in and enjoy it.

Talking about activating switches; all the energy-saving benefits and everything you get out of the pool cover will do you no good if you do not ever wear your swimming pool.

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Image Source: Google

That is where the ease of use of the cover comes into play. With a simple activation switch them roll on and off your pool in less than one minute. This ease of use makes their use substantially more than any other product on the market pool cover.

And as far as automatic pool covers number one attribute, safety. Not only is there a safer way to cover your backyard swimming pool.

When closed above the pool, forming an 'isolation barrier', which means that all sides of the pool then sealed from intentional or unintentional entry to the pool by an intruder, small children, non-swimmers and pets.

It was an incredible peace of mind to have when not using the pool and it was safely covered until the next time you go to use it.

So after all this, to answer the question is worth an automatic cover additional costs? When you factor in the cost savings benefits they have to offer and the fact you can not put a price on saving lives; it can be said they really are not expensive at all.