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Useful Tools For Choosing Paint Colors

Choosing paint colors can be challenging for many homeowners. However, these simple tools available in your community can help you choose paint colors that will surely satisfy your design needs and desires.

Use resources at your local paint store. Paint companies research millions of dollars of color combinations to apply to their paint chips. For more information about hobby paints online visit

Paint Colors

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Use that expertise to your advantage when choosing colors for your home. Some stores have put together color chip samples of color coordination. These colors, when used together, can create a very professional looking color scheme for your home.

Use your local paint store. Many professional paint stores offer a free in-store paint consultant, whose sole purpose is to help store customers choose the right colors for their home. These consultants are often professional decorators and designers and are more than qualified to help you choose your colors.

Be sure to bring your favorite clothes, furnishings or artwork, and photos of your space, especially focusing on any architectural details (such as tray ceilings, high walls, etc.). If they do not offer this service, be sure to call your local store before leaving.

Call a professional paint consultant. Paint consultants can focus their business solely on helping individuals choose colors or they can be decorators or designers who can help homeowners choose complete color paint.