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Video Advertising Vs the Sales Letter

Internet marketers have been discussing the topic of video advertising versus sales letters for a while. Both sides have their merits and drawbacks. Let's look at the sales letter, no matter how long it is. It is difficult to write a strong sales letter. Some people are better than others. Let's face the truth, sales letters are not easy.

No matter how great the product, your bank account will suffer. A skilled copywriter is required to create a million-dollar sales letter that leads potential customers to the final goal of purchasing the product. Which is better? Either a long, detailed sales letter or a few bullet points. The latter will not let you know if you have provided enough information to convince the uninformed.

It's not as difficult to create a video sales letter. There are many programs that can convert your text to a video, with voiceovers and graphics. Not everyone has the time or inclination to read through pages -of sales text. People who are searching for information tend to have short attention spans and skim long pages. If they get bored or impatient, they might just scroll down to see the price and decide if it is worth the effort to read the rest of the sales pitch.

It's possible for them to conclude that it's too expensive, but they may not be aware of all the benefits. Many buyers will click away from the site before the written word has had a chance to do its magic. Another sale is in the making. Internet marketing is constantly evolving with the multitude of social media sites.

Video is now a common feature of the web. Video Advertising is far more effective than the traditional text-based sales page. Web Video can bring your article message to life. Imagine if your articles could be made into videos. The content is the same, but with a different delivery method. Instead of people reading text, imagine them watching it in the video.

Research shows that people enjoy watching videos and listening to them more than reading long pages of text. It has been the most successful way to sell products online.