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The Advantages of Self Publishing

Self-publishing may not be right for everyone. However, it has many benefits that are hard to overlook. Self-publishing is an option that many writers find very appealing. Let's take a look at what self-publishing can offer you. These are the three most important benefits of self-publishing.

1. Profit Margins

Self-publishing requires you to do the majority of the work. You can keep all profits from book sales, which is worth the extra effort. Self-publishing through is a great way to promote your book to a wider audience. You can think of motivational speakers as self-publishing their books and selling them at their seminars. This can be a great way to sell your book if you have a bookshop online or offline.

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2. Complete Freedom

Self-publishing has many advantages. The publisher will invariably tie you down and have complete control over the design, layout, and other aspects of your book. Self-publishing allows you to have full control over the design and layout of your book. You can easily do further self-promotion inside where the publisher would have promoted themselves instead.

3. You own your work

This ties in with another major advantage of self-publishing: you have complete control over your book. You can convert a printed copy into a digital version if you wish. Many publishers will not allow you to do that without further red tape. You can give your book away free of charge if you have difficulty selling it. Your work will continue to be useful even if you lose control of it as a self-publisher as long as you keep your rights.