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The Dos and Don’ts of Dealing with Insurance Companies After an Accident: Advice from Lawyers

Being involved in an accident can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Dealing with insurance companies afterward can add another layer of complexity to an already difficult situation. To help you navigate this process successfully, we have gathered advice from lawyers on the dos and don'ts of dealing with personal injury lawyer companies after an accident.

Do: Contact Your Insurance Company

One of the first steps you should take after an accident is to contact your insurance company. This is important even if the accident was not your fault. Your insurance company needs to be informed about the accident so they can begin processing your claim.

  • Provide your insurance company with all the necessary details about the accident.
  • Cooperate with your insurance company's investigation of the accident.
  • Keep records of all communication with your insurance company.

Don't: Admit Fault

It is important to be careful about what you say to insurance companies after an accident. Avoid admitting fault or making any statements that could be used against you later on. Let the insurance companies conduct their own investigations to determine fault.

  • Avoid accepting blame for the accident, even if you think you may have been partially at fault.
  • Stick to the facts when providing information about the accident.
  • Avoid speculating or making assumptions about what caused the accident.

Do: Consult with an Attorney

It can be beneficial to consult with an attorney before communicating extensively with insurance companies. An attorney can provide you with legal advice and guidance on how to handle the claims process effectively.

  • Seek out an attorney who has experience dealing with insurance companies in accident cases.
  • Discuss the details of your case with your attorney before providing any statements to insurance companies.
  • Have your attorney review any settlement offers before accepting them.

Don't: Settle Too Quickly

Insurance companies may try to pressure you into settling your claim quickly. It is important not to accept a settlement offer without fully understanding the extent of your injuries and damages. Settling too quickly could result in you receiving less compensation than you deserve.

  • Take the time to assess the full extent of your injuries and damages before considering a settlement offer.
  • Consult with medical professionals to understand the long-term implications of your injuries.
  • Negotiate with the insurance company to ensure you receive fair compensation for your losses.

Do: Keep Detailed Records

Keeping detailed records of the accident and its aftermath can be crucial when dealing with insurance companies. Documentation can help support your claim and provide evidence of the damages you have suffered.

  • Keep a record of all medical treatments and expenses related to the accident.
  • Document any missed work and lost wages resulting from the accident.
  • Take photos of the accident scene, damage to your vehicle, and your injuries.

Don't: Trust the Insurance Company's Offer Without Scrutiny

Insurance companies may try to offer you a quick settlement to close your claim. However, these offers are often less than what you are entitled to. It is important to review any offers carefully and consider whether they adequately cover your losses.

  • Review the terms of the settlement offer with your attorney to ensure it is fair and comprehensive.
  • Consider the long-term impact of your injuries and damages when evaluating the offer.
  • Negotiate with the insurance company to increase the settlement amount if necessary.


Dealing with insurance companies after an accident can be a complex and challenging process. By following the dos and don'ts outlined by lawyers, you can protect your legal rights and ensure you receive fair compensation for your losses. Remember to seek legal advice, keep detailed records, and approach settlement offers with caution to navigate this process successfully.