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The Role Of Lighting In Commercial Building Design

Lighting plays a critical role in the design of any commercial building. Not only does the right lighting create an appealing atmosphere for customers, but it can also help to improve the productivity of employees and decrease energy costs. 

Ambiance:  Lighting is an important part of the ambiance of any commercial building. It can be used to create a warm and inviting atmosphere that encourages customers to stay and shop. The right lighting can also be used to highlight specific areas of the store, such as displays or product sections. 

Productivity:  In addition to creating an inviting atmosphere, lighting can also help to improve the productivity of employees. Good lighting helps to reduce eyestrain and fatigue, which can lead to better concentration and improved efficiency. 

Energy Savings: The right lighting can also help to reduce energy costs. By using energy-efficient lighting, such as LED or compact fluorescent lamps, commercial buildings can save money on their energy bills. Additionally, using motion sensors or dimmers can help to further reduce energy costs by only turning on lights when they are needed. 

Safety and Security:  Lighting can also help to improve safety and security in a commercial building. By strategically placing lights in areas such as stairwells, hallways, and parking lots, it can help to reduce the risk of accidents or security breaches.