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Useful Guidelines To Follow In Web Designing

These are various useful guidelines in web designing that lead to the recommended development for viewers. One should heed these guidelines to be successful in web designing. Some of them are:

Positioning logos and symbols

Web designing entails the use of logos and symbols. These logos should be placed in the right position so as to be accessed easily by the viewers. The best location of logos is mostly the left side of a webpage through the center is a good location as well.

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Images should not be overused

Loading time is the first consideration in web designing practice. Use of many images in place of the text leads to slow loading of a web page. For this, one should always use text in place of images because the text has fast accessibility than images.

The content should be kept short

The content should always be short and meaningful since most people hate reading an immense quantity of text on web pages. As a good web designing practice, it should always be short and if the text requires a large space, then one should use a few images to back it.

Content should also be emphasized

The emphasis in web designing goes to the most important content. Highlighting, using attractive fonts or big font sizes creates emphasis on the content and grabs the attention of the viewer’s reading through the most important issues in a page.