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Ways To Find Affordable Custom Bathroom Remodeling In Chicago

When you’re ready to update your bathroom, it’s important to do so in a way that is both cost-effective and chic. And that’s where custom bathroom remodeling comes in. Chicago is home to some of the most talented and affordable bathroom remodeling experts in the country, so don’t hesitate to call on them when you need a new look in your bathroom. 

Looking to update your bathroom without breaking the bank? Check out some of these cost-effective DIY options for affordable custom bathroom modifications in Chicago.

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1. Start with a renovation kit.

Many major home improvement stores offer renovation kits that include everything from sink and tile options to showerheads and curtain rods. This way, you can customize the look and feel of your bathroom without having to break the bank or hire a professional.

2. Buy an unfinished room.

If you can't find a renovation kit or don't have the time or skills to complete the project yourself, consider buying an unfinished bathroom space instead. Many builders and home design companies offer this option, so be sure to inquire when shopping for a new home. You can then choose to have the space completed by a professional or do it yourself using DIY instructions.

3. Use accent pieces from your current bathroom.

If you don't want to completely overhaul your bathroom, consider sprucing up its look with accent pieces from your current bathrooms instead. This way, you can add a little bit of personality into an area that may need some TLC on the design front! Try pairing old-fashioned towel bars with modern mirror frames, or go for bright colors in lieu of traditional whites and grays.