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What Are The Benefits Of Getting A Golf Club Membership?

With the wide accessibility to cheap golf equipment, the sport is now one for people around the world. Although there may still be golf clubs sticking their heads in the sand, refusing to simply accept modernization, these are completely a minority and an endangered species. 

There is no reason for a new golfer to be afraid of becoming a member and there are  huge benefits that will outweigh any perceived negatives.

1. Regular Competitions – Most golf club members are competitive and enjoy the prospect of taking on other members and players from other clubs. All golf clubs organize competitions and matches regularly. Find out more about golf club membership via

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2. Meet new friends and acquaintances – Clubs are full of people with a shared interest and therefore it is easy to find and make new friends within the environment of a golf club. Once you have met several people, it is usually very easy to get a game.

3. Social Events – Any featured golf club will have a full schedule of social events. This presents the ideal opportunity to take your non-playing partner and friends to the club to enjoy the facilities and generally have a good time.

4. Maintaining the handicap certificate – For anyone who is serious about the game and wants to improve their level of play, they will definitely need a handicap certificate. The easiest way to get one and keep it is through a golf club membership.

5. PGA Lessons – Most clubs will have a PGA resident teaching professional who will be qualified to provide you with all the lessons and training you will need.