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Why are Green Plants Important?


Planting green plants plays a massive role when it comes to maintaining and functioning of the human environment. Apart from this, green plants also play a key role in allowing us to feel rejuvenated and relaxed, improve the air quality, reduce the noise level coming from outdoor and indoor etc. If you haven’t got a clue about the importance of green plants, here are a few you should know about.

  1. To Generate Oxygen – About 4 people can easily survive when a single green plant produces oxygen. This has been proven by the researchers working at the North Carolina State University. You can wonder now when more numbers of plants are planted.
  2. To Maintain Balance in the Environment – Green plants play a crucial role by acting as the only source of food for a few micro-organisms, animals and insects. For instance; rabbit usually eats grass, fox then eats the rabbit and the fox is eaten by a larger animal. This helps to maintain balance in the environment.
  3. To Function the Process of Photosynthesis – The process of photosynthesis is seen in green plants when light energy gets converted into chemical energy. During this process, the plant inhales carbon dioxide and exhales oxygen required for humans, animals, insects, birds to breathe.
  4. To Offer Protection –When it comes to protection you should consider this example. Large plant protecting small plants to grow. The same small plant then offers protection to birds in order to build their own nest.

In Melbourne, plant hire will help you to learn more importance on green plants.