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How Can You Port a Business Number to a Cell Phone?

Many people choose to port their number from one cellphone provider to another when they switch contracts. Porting allows you to save the same number if you switch to a different cellphone or cellphone company. This can save a lot of time and hassle because it doesn't need to change the number that you have registered with a different account or to notify friends and family.

Porting Business number to mobile is the same concept. What you do is transfer phone numbers from existing service providers to the new one.

how to forward call from landline to cell phone online

Contact your current provider

If you transfer business land to a cellphone, contact your current land provider to check your contract provisions. Some companies can add additional fees to this service, and you may be responsible for paying fees for the initial termination of your contract. The company is legally required by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to allow porting numbers, but you must respect all the payments that you have committed first. If you pay your phone line as part of the package including television, internet and other services, you might need to change your package or provider before porting your number.

Don't cancel the existing service before porting number

Don't cancel your current service until your number has been ported or you will risk losing your number. You will also have a period when there are no customers or prospects you can contact you. If there is a technical problem, this can be a day or week, which means the business is missing.