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How To Choose A Personal Emergency Response System?

Personal Emergency Response System is defined as an electronic device designed to summon help in an emergency. If you are elderly or disabled, you may be considering a Release Emergency Alert system for yourself, or you may have someone you care about who could use one. 

This guide has been prepared to help you decide what the best solution is for you or your loved one. There are two types of PERS Medical Alert systems available now, monitored and unmonitored. You can get the best emergency response services at Parabellum International.

How is the work of Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS Monitored) First, let's learn how a monitored system works:

  • A monitored PERS system has three basic components:
  • A small radio transmitter (a help button carried or worn by the user).
  • A console is connected to a telephone line.

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An emergency response center for receiving the call for help. When an emergency presents itself, a PERS user presses a button on the transmitter. a signal is sent wirelessly to the console, which then sends digital signals over the telephone line to a specific recipient in response to the monitoring center. 

When they receive a signal, with most systems (but not all), the operator at the response center can open phone lines and talk with clients via speaker-phone built into the console, to verify what type of assistance is required. 

If they can not communicate with the client, a typical procedure has a call response center every person registered as a nanny, one by one, until they could notify someone of the problem. If they can achieve nothing, they will call the appropriate emergency responders.