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Know All About Custom Entry Doors

Custom Entrance Doors have recently become almost a trend in many cities. There are 100's of designs, styles, colors, types of wood available. You will find the price is quite a competitive import door. You will also find that there are rarely any guarantees provided in the imported door.

 Most of the doors are made in North America to use kiln-dried wood. Many North American Door Manufacturers use engineered wood substrates as the core of the interior. Engineered wood is supposed to reduce the amount of motion in the door. You can buy custom entry doors in Oshawa from various online sources.

Many custom entrance only 1/8 "or 1/4" solid wood veneers on the exterior and interior of the core is engineered wood. Although there are some companies that still exist that the US built the exit of "Solid Wood".

If you want to find the entrance designed specifically made in America, I would suggest you search for "Google" under "Custom Entrance Doors". Also, you can go to and search under "Wooden doors".

There is an endless number of design options at the entrance to the custom. You will see the wrought iron, glass, Decorative Glass, Leaded Glass, Stained Glass, Clavos (large Tacks), Speakeasy Door and Grills, Sidelites, Transom Windows.

I would suggest you look for the wooden browse your favorite under "Custom Entrance Doors" and find a design you like. Next, find a local manufacturer to manufacture the design you want.  As mentioned earlier, there are some cities where the "Custom Entrance Doors" has almost become a fashion.

The most popular type of wood for the entrance includes Mahogany, Oak, Alder, Maple, and Walnut. I would recommend a wooden door because it will tend to scratch or damage. Also, important is the finish. Be sure to use with UV protective clear coat. Many contractors use the Spar Varnish but there are better products out there.