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Hazelnuts Are an Excellent Source of Vitamins and Minerals

Hazel word origins from word 'Haesel', which means hat or head covering. Nut named this because its outer shell hazelnuts are similar. Hazelnuts come from their native regions of Asia, and then spread to Spain, Italy, France and Germany from Greece. Hazelnuts were imported into the United States before the 1940s, until they began commercial cultivation of them.

The size of a hazelnut is very similar to a small marble. In a hard shell, nutmeat contained and many believe it resembles a cap-less seed. Usually, but not always, bitter paper nutmeat skin will be removed before consumption. You will get to know more about certified organic hazelnut oil online. 

Heart-healthy nuts are composed of unsaturated fats most (by 88%), and sometimes pressured to make an aromatic and delicious hazelnut oil. Oil is much preferred by global chefs. With 628 calories in a serving of 100 grams, hazelnuts are packed with energy and nutrients essential for optimal health.

Hazelnuts contain a combination of two mono-unsaturated acids of different fats like oleic and linoleic acid, which is beneficial to reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol levels.There are many studies that show that the fatty acid in hazelnut can prevent the risk of stroke by helping to maintain the value healthy blood lipids.

An Excellent Source of Vitamins and Minerals

Not only hazelnut healthy source of fat, but also minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber that are essential to reduce the risk of many diseases. Containing a whopping 113 units of folate per 100 gram serving, hazelnut offers many important nutrients (about 28% of your daily recommended intake).