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CranioSacral Therapy – Helpful and Effective for Everyone

Craniosacral Therapy assists the body in non-invasive touch, using no more than five grams of pressure, approximately the weight of nickel, to assess and detect imbalances and limitations in the body.

This releases these limitations deep within the central nervous system so that every other system in the body can relax and repair itself. It naturally helps you relieve physical and emotional pain, stress and discomfort, strengthen your resistance to illness, and improve your health and well-being. You can also hire the best craniosacral practitioner via

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CST comes from the osteopathy profession. The founder of cranial osteopathy, William Sutherland, concluded in the early 20th century that the bones of the skull are moving. He kept researching and came to prove it.

Later, Dr. John Appleger, he coined the term CranioSacral Therapy and is a true pioneer in this field. The discovery of the dural pulse by Dr. John E. Appleger was the basis for the pioneering work he later produced as CranioSacral Therapy.

He helped with the operation and was asked to hold the dural tube. However, the dura tube is very difficult to hold and seems to have a rhythm.  The CranioSacral system has a pulse like your circulatory and respiratory systems.

The heart rate of the CranioSacral System is 6-12 beats per minute. Important functions of this system are the production, circulation, and reabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This fluid supplies the central nervous system with staple foods and helps it maintain a constant balance even when other body conditions change.