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What Qualifies As A Dental Emergency

Dental health is an important part of our overall health. Maintaining healthy teeth and gums should always be a priority. Most of our visits to the dental clinic are pre-planned. We often call ahead to make appointments. 

However, there are cases when we need dental care and the dentist can also handle emergency dental situations. Emergency dental care is necessary for several reasons. 

dentist emergency care

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So what might qualify as a case where urgent dental care is required? Read on to find out.

1. Broken teeth

There are many reasons a tooth) can break, but the most common are accidents or injuries. Chips and cracks can expose the delicate nerve endings of a tooth and may or may not cause pain depending on the size and severity of the fracture. However, if a broken tooth hurts and causes chewing problems, it should be checked by a dentist immediately.

2. Severe toothache

A severe toothache may require prompt treatment from your dentist, especially if the pain cannot be relieved by pain relievers. Bleeding can be a sign that you need to see a dentist as soon as possible. The sooner you see a dentist, the less invasive the procedure will be to save your tooth.

3. Severe infection

Like a severe toothache, a severe oral infection cannot be eliminated with pain medication and should be checked by a dentist immediately. Signs of a mouth infection include swelling of the gums, cheeks, jaw, and mouth. You should see a dentist immediately to prevent bacteria.