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Why Use Cat Litter Mats?

If you own a cat, you know how messy their litter box can get. Cat litter can be tracked out of the box and scattered throughout your home, making it difficult to keep your floors clean. Fortunately, there are cat litter mats that can help reduce the mess.

Cat litter rugs are designed to keep your floors clean by trapping any litter that is tracked out of the litter box. The mats are placed in front of the litter box and can be wiped off or vacuumed easily to remove any tracked litter. Not only do cat litter mats keep your floors clean, but they also help contain the litter so that it doesn’t spread throughout your home.

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Types of Cat Litter Mats

Cat litter mats come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials. The most common type of cat litter mat is made of rubber or plastic and is designed to trap tracked litter. 

There are also mats made of fabric that can be shaken out or put in the washing machine for easy cleaning. Some mats are designed to fit around the litter box, while others are designed to fit underneath.

Tips for Choosing the Right Cat Litter Mat

When choosing a cat litter mat, it is important to consider the size and material. You want to make sure the mat is large enough to contain any tracked litter, and that it is made of a material that is easy to clean. 

Consider the type of litter you use and the amount of traffic in your home, as this will help you determine the best type of mat for your needs.