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What You Need To Know About Aggressive Dog

If you're looking for information about aggressive dogs, this article can help you identify the root cause of your dog's aggression problem and find a solution.

What is Dog Aggression?

Dog aggression is a dog's way of communicating that they are uncomfortable or feeling threatened. It can be a scary thing to witness, but it's important to remember that aggression is a normal part of a dog's behavior. There are many different types of aggression, and each type has its own set of causes and triggers. If you are looking for dog aggressive training, you can simply visit this site.

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There are several different types of aggression:

 territorial aggression, which is when a dog feels the need to protect its home or territory

predatory aggression, which is when a dog sees something as prey and goes after it

fear-based aggression, which is when a dog is afraid and acts out in order to protect themselves

 redirected aggression, which is when a dog is feeling frustrated or angry and takes it out on another person or animal

Puppies and young dogs often show signs of playfulness and mouthing, which is normal behavior. However, if this mouthing escalates into biting, it can be a sign of aggression. Dogs that were not properly socialized as puppies may also be more prone to aggression.