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Common Causes Of Blocked Drains And How To Fix Them

Blocked drains are one of the most common and annoying plumbing problems that homeowners face. Drains can become blocked for a variety of reasons, and can be difficult to fix. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to unclog and unblock your drains. 

One of the most common causes of blocked drains is a build-up of fat, grease, and oil. This can accumulate over time, coating the inside of the drain pipes and eventually blocking them. To fix this, you need to use a chemical drain cleaner to break down the build-up. You can also use a plunger or a wire coat hanger to dislodge any large chunks of debris that may be stuck. 

To get more information about blocked drains, you can try this out.

Another common cause of blocked drains is tree roots. Roots can grow into the pipes and cause a blockage. If this is the case, you'll need to call a professional plumber to remove the roots and repair the pipes. 

Hair can also be a major cause of blocked drains. Hair can easily accumulate in the pipes, and can be difficult to remove. To fix this, you need to use a drain snake to manually remove the hair. Alternatively, you can use a chemical drain cleaner or a plunger to help break down the build-up. 

Finally, foreign objects such as toys, sanitary products, and paper towels can also cause blocked drains. To fix this, you can use a plunger or a drain snake to remove the object. If the object is too large or has become lodged, you'll need to call a professional plumber.