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What is Talent Benchmarking

Talent benchmarking is a process by which organizations can assess their own talent and compare it to others in the same industry or market. By doing so, they can identify areas where they need to improve and make strategic hires accordingly.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when conducting early talent benchmarking

-First and foremost, you need to have a clear idea of what you're looking for in a 

potential hire. This will help you target the right candidates, and focus your evaluation process accordingly. 

-Secondly, talent benchmarking should be ongoing – if an organization identifies areas where they need improvement, they should continue to track those trends over time in order to make the appropriate changes. 

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-Last but not least, remember that talent benchmarking shouldn't be used as a way to measure individual employees against one another. Instead, it's more effective to use it as a way to assess the overall effectiveness of an organization's recruitment efforts.

Other Considerations When implementing Talent Benchmarking

There are a number of other considerations to take into account when implementing talent benchmarking, such as the company’s size, industry, and location. Additionally, it is important to consider the team you are benchmarking and what skills they possess. Finally, it is important to understand your target market and how different types of talent will resonate with them.