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Types Of Electronic Monument Sign

An electronic monument sign is a type of electronic sign that can be used to display messages or images. These signs are typically mounted on a fence, wall, or other stationary locations and are activated using a remote control. Common features of electronic monument signs include high-resolution graphics and advanced color technology.

There are several different types of electronic monument signs available, each with its own unique features and advantages. You can navigate this site to know more about the electronic monument sign.

Here's a look at the three most common types:

1. LED Monument Signs: LED monument signs are among the most popular types of electronic signs due to their high-resolution graphics and long lifespan. These signs use low-wattage LEDs that produce bright colors and excellent contrast, making them perfect for displaying detailed images and text.

2. LCD Monument Signs: LCD monument signs offer superior image quality compared to LED monument signs. They use thin, light panels that can easily be replaced if damaged or replaced by new signage needs arise. LCDs also have a longer lifespan than LED monument signs and can be set to display different colors or patterns based on the time of day or event being advertised.

3. Video Monuments: Video monuments are similar to LCD monument signs in that they use thin light panels for displays but differ in how the information is displayed. Videos are played continuously looping on these signs, which makes them perfect for displaying advertising messages or videos about the history of an area.