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What is Entity Resolution, and Why Should You Care?

The use of SEO has increased significantly over the years and this is a good thing indeed. It means that businesses are getting more page views, which in turn means that they are able to grow and achieve their goals more effectively. This article will help you find out what entity resolution is and how it can increase the efficiency of your website's search engine optimization efforts.

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What is Entity Resolution

Entity resolution is the process of locating and resolving the entities in a data model. Entity resolution can be performed by using a database, direct object references, or another mechanism.

There are a few different approaches to entity resolution systems, but they all share some common features:

1. The system stores references to every object it encounters.

2. The system maintains a list of all known instances of each type of entity. 

3. The system uses pre-defined rules to determine which instance should be returned for a given query. 

There are three main types of entity resolution systems

  • Full-text search engines try to find matches for every word in your dataset.
  • Link analysis engines look at relationships between entities in your dataset. 
  • Indexing engines try to find matches for specific keywords or phrases in your dataset.

Why should you care about entity resolution?

  • It is the process of determining the identity of a particular object or set of objects in a data store.
  • It can be used to resolve references to objects and to determine which object should be returned.
  • It can be important for a number of reasons. 
  • If one of those applications changes its definition of an object, your application may end up using the wrong version of the object. 
  • It can also help you track changes that have been made to objects in your data store over time.

In general, entity resolution is important whenever you need to interact with data that has been stored in a database. So it is worth keeping in mind whether or not entity resolution will be necessary when building your application.