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An Overview of Waffle Concrete Slabs

A waffle concrete slab is a flat, rectangular, reinforced concrete structure that can be measured in length and width, but shallower, used in the construction of floors, roofs, sidewalks, and more.

There are many hanging plank designs to develop a balance of strength and weight. In all cases, only the bottom is modified if the top is even:

o Corrugated, where the concrete is dumped into a corrugated steel tub. This increases the strength of the panel and stops the panel from bending under its own weight.

o Ribbed plates, here significant additional strength is exerted in 1 direction.

o Waffle plate, here additional strength is given in both directions. You can click on this link to buy the best quality waffle concrete slab products for construction.

o One-way plate, here the static strength is determined in the shortest direction.

o Two-way slab, here the load-bearing capacity is given in two directions.

Waffle concrete slabs can be fabricated on site. In the case of prefabricated slabs, the slabs are manufactured at the factory and brought to the point where they are lowered into place between the steel or concrete beams. 

The reinforcing bars must be placed in the formwork before the concrete mix is poured if the slab is to be reinforced. If the concrete has fully hardened and to ensure that it completely covers the reinforcement, an iron or plastic seat is used with a plastic tip to keep the reinforcement clear of the base and sides of the formwork. 

Formwork for foundation waffle slabs may only have sidewalls pressed into the ground if, like formwork for suspended slabs, the formwork is designed as a tub and held in place with scaffolding until the concrete hardens.