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Which Are the Most Frequent Endometriosis Causes?

Endometriosis is a really debilitating condition that affects women of reproductive ages. About up to 10 percent of women experience endometriosis. In other words, provided that you undergo menstruation, you're in danger of getting endometriosis.

There's a concept that endometriosis is due to retrograde menstruation. This is the escape of menstrual flow back in the uterus into the fallopian tubes till it reaches the abdominal and pelvic cavity.

The precise cause of endometriosis is unknown. But you can know more about the endometriosis causes via

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Below are a few situations seen as likely endometriosis triggers, but studies are still inconclusive to fully back up them. 

1.One of the endometriosis causes is that the existence of cells that possess the capability to develop into another kind of tissue. This scenario is known as coelomic metaplasia. 
2.In other rare cases, endometriosis may occur because of the direct transport of endometrial cells. This move can happen during operations like episiotomy or cesarean section.
3.Hormonal fluctuation can be viewed as probable endometriosis triggers. Hormonal levels may go up and down throughout the menstrual period. This is likely why the signs are more severe before or during the interval. Hormonal levels are secure during pregnancy and menopause.

Some research indicates that the existence of abnormalities in the immune system might cause the progression of endometriosis.