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What Is Invisalign And How Does It Work?

Invisalign is a process using clear plastic braces that are worn in the mouth to straighten teeth. This article discusses how the procedure works and what to expect during treatment.

Invisalign is a type of dental treatment that uses clear, plastic aligners to change the shape of your teeth.

Invisalign is a popular treatment choice for people who want to improve their smile but don't have enough time or money for traditional dental procedures like braces or dentures. You can also get Invisalign clear braces in Salt Lake City.

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The aligners are custom-made to your teeth's unique shape and size and are gradually removed over time as your teeth move into their new positions.

The treatment can take up to two years to complete, but you can usually expect significant improvements in your smile within six months of starting the therapy.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign is a type of clear aligner that helps to straighten teeth using the natural process of tooth movement. The aligners are custom-made to fit each individual’s teeth, and they are worn in pairs, one on top of the other. 

As your teeth move, the Invisalign aligners help to push them into their correct positions. Over time, you will see a significant improvement in your smile thanks to Invisalign!

Here are some of the benefits of wearing Invisalign braces:

* They are cheap and relatively easy to maintain. You simply need to attend regular appointments with your dentist to remove the brackets and clean them.

* They can be worn in any position, so they are perfect for people who have difficulty with traditional braces.

* They can be used on both adults and children, and they generally have minimal impact on daily life. In fact, many people even enjoy wearing their Invisalign braces because they feel more confident when wearing them!