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5 Ways to make your keetsa mattress last longer

With the proper maintenance and little care, you can keep your mattress long time. You can keep keesta mattress in the right way for longer, from cleaning to prevention. Once you add the best mattress in your home, you will expect it to take comfortable sleep on it for many years. The average matters are designed to last anywhere from five to ten years. Knowing the best ways to care for your bed and being aware of the environmental factors, you can keep your mattress healthy and clean.

Ways to keep your mattress in good shape for longer

Here are some of the best ways by which you can care your mattress and keep them for long:

1. Ensure your mattress is properly supported

You have no need to always buy the matching foundation and box spring with the new mattress, but you have to make sure that your mattress does have the right kind of support. It helps you to preserve the integrity of materials. In addition, for a recommendation, look at the warranty policy of the mattress and check with the manufacturer. Box springs are used with the spring mattress, whereas foam and other specialty mattresses need solid support and firmness. The bed frame should be designed to support the weight of the sleepers, and the mattress of the beds should have the centre support.

2. Use a mattress protector from the beginning

A mattress is one of the simplest and best ways to protect your bed’s longevity. A high-quality mattress protector offers waterproof protection against accidents and spills, and it also reduces the amount of debris, dirt, and dust that make it into your bed. Moreover, a mattress helps protect your materials from damage inside your bed, and it keeps your sweat and skin oils off the bed.

3. Wash bed linens regularly

You shed skin cells, sweat, hair, and oils when you sleep on the mattress. Additionally, easting on the bed also leaves behind crumbs, and pets can easily track all sorts of things. Furthermore, these can get into mattress layers and encourage dust miles or breed bacteria. Therefore, blankets and bed sheets should be ideally washed every week. When you use the mattress protector, it is necessary to keep the linens clean, and the mattress protector should be washed occasionally as per the manufacturer’s directions.

4. Get pets separate beds to snuggle in

It would be best to give the pets their own designated beds instead of letting them cuddle up on your mattress. The reason even well-groomed pets also shed hair cells on the bed just like the people, and they also walk outside and drool, which can ruin the good mattress.

5. Rotate the mattress regularly

For your benefit, you have to rotate the mattress regularly, no matter the size or material. Some manufacturers believe that it is not necessary, but it is beneficial for more even wear, whereas if you don’t rotate the mattress, it would be makes softening and depressions more likely. If you want to sleep well and sustainably, consider Keetsa mattresses, for more information click her.


The lifespan of the keesta mattress depends on various factors. In the above article, some valuable tips are shared that can increase the life period of your mattress.