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6 Tips For Keeping Your Pool In Great Shape

The most important part of your backyard is your pool. Your baby's first steps, family reunions, barbecues, and friendly get-togethers are all possible in your pool. After all, you can't beat the view!

However, as with any investment of that magnitude, it's also important to take care of your pool so that it continues to provide you with great memories into the future. This article provides six tips for keeping your pool in good shape.

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There are a few things you can do to keep your pool in great shape all season long.

1. Check the chlorine levels regularly: Chlorine levels need to be at around 1-2 ppm for your pool to stay healthy, and should be checked every day or two. If the chlorine levels fall below that threshold, add more chlorine.

2. Add salt: Chlorine won't work if there's not enough salt in the water, so make sure to add it according to the manufacturer's instructions. Too much salt can actually lower the chlorine levels, so use it judiciously.

3. Keep debris cleaned up: Scum and debris build up over time, which can clog filters and damage the pool surface. Regularly clean out all of the debris – including leaves, flowers, and toys – and replace any worn or damaged items.

4. Use a cover: A cover will help protect the pool from hot sun and rain while keeping it warm all season long. Make sure to get one that is properly fitted and weatherproofed for your area. 

5. Avoid over-fertilizing: Too much fertilizer can lead to algae growth, which will impair the color and clarity of the water. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when adding nutrients.

6. Regularly test the pH: The pH of your pool water should be around 7.2-7.8, but it can take several days for the levels to stabilize after a change in water chemistry. Test the pH regularly to make sure it's staying in that range.