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How Dry Salt Therapy Relieves Muscle Tension?

Dry salt therapy is a relatively new way of relieving stress and tension, and it's also been seen to provide other health benefits as well. Dry salt therapy is a treatment that uses a dry, granular form of table salt to relieve muscle tension. The therapy is used to treat a variety of conditions, including neck pain, tension headaches, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

The therapy involves applying a small amount of table salt to the affected area. The salt crystals irritate the skin and cause the release of oxytocin, a hormone that flows through the body and helps to decrease muscle tension. The therapy is often effective in relieving pain and inflammation quickly. You can also book the best dry salt therapy rooms in NC at Lake Norman Salt Spa.

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Dry salt therapy is a natural way to relieve muscle tension. It works by increasing blood flow and oxygen levels to the muscles, which helps them to relax. Salt also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce pain and inflammation. In addition, it has been proven to improve circulation and improve energy levels.

To use dry salt therapy, you will need some Himalayan or Celtic sea salt. You can either make your own mixture using these salts or purchase it pre-mixed. To treat muscle tension, you will need about 1 teaspoon of salt per cup of water. You should take this mixture orally, usually dissolved in a small amount of cold water or apple juice.

There are many benefits to using dry salt therapy for relief from muscle tension. It is safe and easy to use, and there are no side effects associated with it.