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How To Choose The Best Shuttlecock For Badminton

Shuttlecock selection is one of the most important considerations when playing badminton. The right shuttlecock will help you win more games. However, choosing the wrong shuttlecock can be disastrous. There are a few factors to consider when choosing a shuttlecock:

1. Size Matters

Shuttlecocks come in different sizes, from small to extra-large. The size you choose depends on your playing style and the type of badminton court you're using. If you play doubles, for example, use an extra-large shuttlecock. If you play singles, use a smaller shuttlecock. You can also visit here- to find the online best shuttlecock for badminton.

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2. Shape Matters

Shuttlecocks come in many shapes and varieties, including flat and round. Some players prefer a round shuttlecock because it's easier to control. Other players prefer a flat shuttlecock because it's harder to hit the ball with spin. It's up to you which shape is better suited for your game.

3. Material Matters

Shuttlecocks are made from different materials, including birdseye maple and polyester thread embedded in rubber or plastic pellets. Each has its advantages and disadvantages: Birdseye maple is more durable but less responsive than polyester; rubber is bouncy but less reliable, and plastic pellets offer a good response but can be slippery in cold weather. 

Choosing the best shuttlecock for badminton can be a daunting task, but with a little bit of research and understanding of what different types of shuttlecock offer, you'll be able to find the perfect one for your game.