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Step-By-Step Guide To The Root Canal Treatment Process

Root canal treatment is a procedure used to repair and save a tooth that has been severely damaged or infected. It is a common dental procedure used to treat a variety of dental conditions, such as large cavities or abscesses. The procedure involves removing the innermost part of the tooth, called the pulp, and then cleaning and filling the area. If you are looking for root canal treatment, then you may navigate to this site.

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Step One: X-Rays and Examination

The first step in the root canal treatment process is to take x-rays and perform an examination of the tooth and surrounding area. This helps the dentist determine the extent of the damage or infection and if the tooth can be saved. The x-rays will also show the shape of the root canals in the tooth, which helps the dentist plan the treatment and know where to access the canals.

Step Two: Numbing the Area

Once the dentist has determined that the tooth can be saved, they will numb the area with a local anesthetic. This helps to reduce any discomfort during the procedure. The area may also be covered with a rubber dam to keep the area dry and protect the tooth from saliva and bacteria.

Step Three: Removing the Pulp

The next step is to remove the pulp from the root canals. This is done by drilling a small hole into the tooth and using special tools to scrape away the pulp. The dentist will also use a file to clean the walls of the root canal and remove any bacteria or debris.